The fn fulne of Sinne. a 8, 19. Zech. 4. 6, 7. All doubts and d f ruffs arife from this, that men make their owne thoughts the meafare of Gods flrength, and have low and unworthy conceits of his Power. This therefore in all difficulties we mull frame our hearts unto, to looke off from fecond caufes,from the probabilities or poflibilities which are obvious to our reaf®n,and admire the unfearchableneffe of Gods Power and wifedome,which is above all the thoughts of man. If a rich man fhould promife a begger a great fumme of money, and hee fhould difcomfort himfelfe with fuch plodding fcruples as thefe : Alas,thefe are but the words of a man who meanes well, and takes compaflion on my poverty '; but how can he poffibly make good this promife ? IE I fhould engage my felfe -thus to another poore man, l fhould be lure to faile his expectations and flatter him with wind, what quiet or comfort could he have ? but he would have more wifedome than to mea- lure rich men by his owne poverty and bafenefl'e. So fhould wee doe in any difficulties and diffrefles, either from fins,afflifions,or temptations. As Abraham did, He fraggered not at the promife of god through unbeleefs, but was Jlrong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully per. fwaded that what he had promifedhe was able to performe, Rom.4. T 9, 20. And after,he offeredup his fon in faith, be- caufe he knew that God was able to rail himeven from the dead, from whence he had before in a figure receivedhim, namely from a dead and barren womb; Heb. i x. 29. This was lobs only eófort upon the dunghill, That that God who Would after wormes hadconfumed his flefh, rail him up at the laß day, and make him with thofe very eyes to fee his Redeemer, had power enough in his due time to deliver from that wofull calariitie into which he had cafe him, and to revive his ftrength and eftate againe, lob 19.25, 26, 27. A man haply is haunted and purfued with fuch and fuch uncleane affec4ions, is wearied in wreftling with it, and cannot prevaile (as indeed there A a 2 is 355