356 Thefnfulne ofSinne. is nothing that cleaves more pertinacioufly, or is more inexpugnable,than a f rong and importunate lul.What muff he now doe ? fìnke under the weight ? is there no remedy,nor way ofefcape? God forbid.When his owne ffrcngth and wifdome failes him, let him looke off from hiinfelfe unto the power and promifes ofthat God, who is Al fufficient to lave to the uttermoft thole that come ua- to him by Chrift.He is a7Q,finer, a Sun of ,ghteoufne fl"e; that can cure the barrennefle of our hearts by the hea- ling vertue ofhis wings,and purge away our droffe and corruptions from us. That `Promife which God made to Paulin the ifirrings & conflic5 s ofhis concupifcence is made unto all of his temper, My grace is /efficient for thee ; & there arc two things in that promife, grace to make it,and Sufficiencie to fulfill it : Lay afide, faith the tipofUle, every weight,and the ¡nne which Both fo eafily be- fet you. Alas, may the Soule anfwcr, if it be a weight, how (hall I move it ? If it be a befieging and encompaf fing finne,that doth fo eafily occupate and invade all my faculties,how ¡hall I repel or drive it off ?well,faith the Apoffle, ifyou cannot quit your felves of your clog and burthen, yet run with patience the race which is fet before you,be content to draw your chaine, and to lugge your luffs after you. But how can the foule be patient under fuch heavie and fuch dole corruptions ? under themoti- ons,importunities, and immodeft folicitations offo ma -. ny and fo adulterous Juifs ? Looke, faith he,unta lefus the Author and fini(her of your faith ;confider him left yee be wearied and faint inyour minds :. He doth not any ofhis workes by halfes ; he is a perfetl Saviour, He .,-i- nifheth all the Workes which are given him to doe; If bee have begun a good worke in you, he is able to perfet! it ; ifhe be now the Author, he will in due time be the 4c- complifher ofyour Faith. We muff note, All the promifes are made in Chrifi ; being purchafed by his merits, and they are all perform'd in