Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

..u....-_ Thejmn fulne e of Sinne. t 357 in Chrifi being adminiftred by his power and office And in Chrifi, we mull note, there is, firft a will that wee fhould be holy, exprcffed in his prayer to his Father, fans fie them by thy truth,loh.17.17.Secondly,a power to Hl . s. 2s, execute that will, he is able to fave thofe that come unto lohn ro 36. god by him; and be quickneth whom he will. Thirdly both John 6.27. his will and power arc back'd and ftrengthned with au- thority, and an office to to doe, for he was fanaified and fealed by his father unto this purpofe.Fourthly,he is fur - nifh't with Abundance of wifdome to contrive, and of fi- delity to imploy both his will,power, and office, for fulfil- ling all Gods promifes of grace & mercy. In him there were treafures of wifdome, & he is a mercifull & faith- Col.z. ;. ful high Triefl.Fifthly,to all this he isfurther ingag'd by 14e5.2.17, his confanguinity with us; he is our brotherb y Jy a- P his m Heb.z.i i. thie and companion towards us ; bee bath felt the weight Heb.i z,;. of fin in the punifhmcnt thereof and the Contradillio4 of Heb. 3.6. (inners ;.and lastly, by his propriety unto us he fhould de- fraud himfelfe, ifhe fhould not fulfill all his promifes to the Church ; for the Church is His ozone boufe. All the promifir are made to him, in aggregato, with his Church, To thefeede of Abraham, that is,To Chrfl, the headand members together. As when any evils befa is the Church,he is afilifted,fo in all the Advancements of the Church he is honoured, and, in a fort, further filled ; for Efay 63.9. the Church is His fulnefe. Though as God, as Man, as Epl cr. r.z ;. Mediator,he be full by himfelfe ; yet as head he accoun- teth himfelfe maimed & incomplete without hi, mein- bers. So that when Chrift pleads and prayes for the Church,he is an Advocate and Interceffour in his owns brinef fe ; for the Affaires of the Church are His. Thirdly, promifes are many times fubordinate to one another, and, are perform'd in an order, fucce(on, and de- pendencie. Therefore we mutt not anticipate, nor per- 1 turbe the order which God bath put in his Premifes,but wait upon him in his owne way. Grace and glory will A a 3 he