Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

358 Pra1.8 a. r r. Efay SS S r Thel.}.7 Ier.31.33. Thec5.:3. tcr.3 1.40. Hofr i.. Hof.3 4.4. Ezek.34.t6. Thef nfulne/ o f Sinne, hegive, but,firft grace before glory, no man muff match at this promtfe till he have intereit in that. Godllnc fe bath the promifes of this life, and of that to come ; but wee muit note the order which our Saviour puts, firfl feele the Kingdome and Rig hteoufnefe of God, and then all theft things (hall be added anteyou. The Lord promifeth to call men unto Chrift, Nations that knew thee not Jhall runne unto thee. The Apoftle tels us Whereunto he calls: God bath not called xs unto uncleanne _Ire, but unto Bali - ne f fe. Therefore in the next place he proms feth to fantli- fie and cleanfe his Church ; I will put my Law in their hearts, and in their inward parts. The qualification of this Holineffe is, that it be whole and confiant, The very god of peace fanClifie you, and prefer v e you blamcle(fe unto the comming of our Lord lefus (hrift,is the Apoftles prayer for the Theffalonians.Thcrefore in the next place, God promireth pert verance. I will not turne away from them, to do them good, but 7 will put my feare in their hearts, that they Ihall not depart from me. But this per - feverance is not fo certaine, but that it admits of falls, flips,and mifciriages ; therefore in that cafe, He promi- feth healing and reftoring, I will heale their back:. 'tidings, I »ill love them freely. I will binde up that which if bro- ken, and will ftrengthen that which waf +(c &e, And after all this comes the promife of Glory and Salvation. Now then we mutt wait upon the promi,T s in their owne order, When God bath called us to the knowledge of Chrift, we muff not skip over all the intermediate linkes, and looke prefently for the accomplifhment ofGods pro -bile of Salvation,or perfeverance by Gods foie power,and in the meane time omit all care of Holineffe in our conver- fation. When we are fanc`tified, we muff not relolve then to fit íU11, as ifall our workes were at an end, and expeft falvation to drop into our laps. But we mutt make it our care, and efteeme it our owne dutie to conti- nue faithful unto the .end, that fo we may receive a crown f e