Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I he fin fitlne o f Sínne. 359 of Life. For God Both not fulfill his promifes in us on y, but by as too ; and thofe things which in regard of his Word are his promifes, are alío, in regard ofhis com- mand, oar duties. And therefore we muff take the pro. mites in that connexion, and dependancie which they have amongff themfelves. Fourthly, promifes, though always mete Pry, are yet mofl ufefull in extremities, and therefore it is bell for us to ffore up of all Arts ; though wee fee no préfent ufe of forge particulars, yet we know not what time may bring forth,what wayes God may pleafe to try us by.Second- ly,It is beff to acquaint our hearts with thofe which are moft general!, pretious, fundamental!, wherein God power and goodneffe is principally feene, & from them it will be eale to inferre the retf.As lob argues from the Iob 19.2.5, 27. finalirefurreetion to a deliverance from the dunghill.And Pfat.s6.13. David from the deliverance ofhis Soule from Hell, to the deliverance of his feet from falling. And Habakkuk, Hab, 3.30,1 from the deliverance out of Egypt & the wilderneffe, to the deliverance out of Babylon. And Abraham from Hein r. 19 a miraculous generation in a dead wombe to a mimeo- loss ref#itution of jfaakfrom the dead again. And Pawl from a deliverance out ofthe mouth ofthe Lion to a de -, s Tim4.17;18 lin erance from every evil! worke. Some notable act of Gods mercy and providence may be applyable to leve- raIl more particulars ; becaufe experience worketh hope. Thirdly,It is good to bring a mans felfe to a view ofex- Rom.5,.4. tremities in him /elfe, to keepe frefh in his eye the naked - nefle, poverty, an d utter difability that is in himto fur- ther his owne happineffe ; and that will fit him to goc with Patience and Faith through any other exigences which he may be brought to. There is as little ground why a firmer fhould beleeve & truft in God for thefor - givene fe of his finnes ; as Hope for any comfort and fup- port in his diftreffes. Ifa man can therefore now kcepc before him a ditfinet view ofthe &thine& of his fins, A 4 and