Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

36o The%anfulne o fSinne. & that anguí(h and extremities which it brings, & live by Faith in the remillion of' them, he will be much the more fitted to truft & !bane on God in the midfl of anv other diI`1=reflee.There is not fo much evill,fò much tinter inoveabletieffe,& unrnitigablenefh in any extremity or mikry,as there is in finne ; and therefore if we can truft God for pardon, purging, & extinguifhing offinnc,we may much more truft him for the fupporting of us under, or delivering us from any other evil!. Fifthly, experience of Gods wifdomc, truth and pother in tome promifes, Will fettle and eflabl:/h the heart in de- pendance, and expellation of the like in others, Senfe doth corroborate and confirme Faith. And this we (hall ob- f:rve to be a very frequent argument in Holy Scriptures to conclude Gods favour for the t+refent or future, by bit proceedings paff. When the Ifraelites were afraid of the Anakims and Giants of the Land, this was cif efes his Deu.r.s9 3 t, argument, Dread not, neither be afraid of them ; the Lord your: God which goeth before, you, be lhallfight for you, according to all that he did for you-in e&Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderne ffe, &c. And againe, I coin Dcut.3.:r. mantled Iofua, faith bee at that time faying, Thine eyes have feene all that the -Lord your Cod bath done unto theft, two Kings : So. !ball the Lord doe unto all the ICingdomes t Sanrt7, 35, whither thou pafeff. So David argued againfl Goliah, 37 The Lord diddeliver me froma Lion and a Beare, there- fore he will deliver me fromthis Philif ine. And Saint s Cor.i.9,i o `Paul, The Lord bath delivered from a Sentence of Death, and doth deliver, therefore I truft that he Will deliver. So irfay $1.9 ;tt. the faithful! argue in the Prophet; Art not thou he that didff cut Rahab, and wound the Dragon; that didff dry the Sea, the waters of the deepe, and madet apafage thorow the depths of the Sea for the ranfomed to paffe over. Therefore the ?,edeemed of the Lord (hall returne and come with fingin unto Sion. &c. `!'bete and fundry the like examples were writté for our iearning,that we alto'