v6z rlhe fi.nfulne of Sinne. of-patience and forbearance, and to have it out of engage- ment and promifè. For by the promife there is a difcharge of all the forfeitures ,incombrances,vexations,perplexi- ties which attended the fame thing; as in temporali, fo in fpirituall & theologicall refpe&s, there is a great dif- ference in Tenures touching the fame things.The wicked in the earthly things they enjoy are wholly Tenants at will, they have no engagement at all from God, they may be thru(t out every houre ; for all their right was forfeited in Adam, and reftored unto them only by age - neral' providence during Gods good pleafure : as a con- demned malefactor, till the time of his execution, hath fosnething allowed him out of favour, but may at plea- fare be cut off from it. But the faithful have all things by inheritance, by the Tght of Chrits purchafe,and by Ce. venant in bim.Not only things prefent,but things to come are theirs ; they have the truth ofGod pawn'd for their prefervationand fupplies fo long as they continue in his way ; A way of Piety, induftry, and honeftie.And they (have them for themfelves and their feed. The promifes were to Abraham and his feed.I never lam the righteous g forfaeen, nor his feed begging their bread. The micd 6x: A.4E u have earthly things only a difpenfations and imploy- 'zn 61ße ?'x- ments,nay,as vexations & toiles of life "; as idois,fnares, ware- and thorns, things that intangle their hearts, and take them offfromGod.As a cloud exhal'd by the Sun hides ,^bryfofi.ad pap. Y ,. the light ofthe Sunne which drew it up ; * as a worme eats out the wood, and ruft confumes the iron which . breeds it ; as water in a vefhll railed by the fire,puts out the fire which raifed it : fo the great eftates and tempo- rali bleffings of God unto evill men,ferve but to inter- cept the thoughts, and to blot out the net ions and re- membrance of him that gave them 1 fpake unto thee in 6reg.Nat.o- rat.t3. thy profperitie, but thou faid'ft, 9 will nct heare. And this $Deuc.8.I2,ia bath beene thy manner from thy youth, faith the Lord, Hole t 3.á,6.i Ier.22.2I. But the faithfull have earthly things ac re- Ward s