Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

;64 1 I 4611 f.ta. ïam.1.6. z Sinr. 7. 27, s+,a). Cinto 8, t z Dan 9.2, 3. Nehe. r . 8, t r: Kt; z; t o, i r. Pfal 89.19,49 Ezek. 3s.37. ter.29.t o, 13. The finfulne e of Sinne. Seventhly and lattly, Cods promifes to us mull be the grounds of our prayers to him. When ever God makes a promife, we mutt make a praycr. And there are two things in this Rule to be obferved : Firft, that wee can make no prayer in boldnefr'e, faith, or comfort, but for things promifed. Tor if we will have God heare us, wee mutt pray according to his will : we mu(t asks i, fairh,we mutt fee the things we aske made Ours in fòme premifc and engagement before we mutt prefume to aske them. This (as we have before obferved ) encouraged `David, Iehofhaphat, and `Daniel to pray unto God, becaufe he had made promifes ofthe things they defired,and there- fore they were certaine that they prayed according to his will. This was Nehemiah: ground in his prayer for the reparation of Ierufalem; Remember, 6efeech thee,the Word which thou commandedf thy fervant Motes, faying, if yee tranfgrefe, I will fcatter you abroad : But if you tu; ne unto me, and keepe my Commandements, and doe them, though there were of you caft cut unto the uttermoft part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence,Cc. Now thefè are thy fervants and thy people whom thou haft redeemed by thy great power, and by thy thong hand. O Lord, I befeech thee, let now thine eare be attentive to the prayer of thy fervant, and to the prayer of thy Jervants, who defire to feare thy name, &c. Secondly, that God wit not performe promis, till by prayer they be fought forfro g him ; till in our humble de- tires we declare that we account his promi /es exceeding great and precious things. The Lord had promifed de- liverance unto Ifracl, yet faith the Lord, For this I will be enquired of by the houfe of Ifrael to doe it for them. Thus faith the Lord, After feventy yeares be accomplilhed at Babylon,I will viliteyou, and performe my good word to- wards you, in canting yon to return to this place. For I knoW the thoughts that I thtnke, towards you : thoughts of peace, and not of evill, to giveyou anexpe&ledend. But how