Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

PIA 3.I4. [.Cor. : 5, 18. Revel.;. Io,T I. Heb. e Rom.13r I. t lohn vert. 8. The fînfulne e of Sinne. as fore protnifes are in our hand,and perform'd already, as Rewards for our fervice pall: fo others are f ill before our eyes, to call and allure us, as the price unto which we preffe. Be yee fledfaft, and unmoveable, and abound alwayes in the worke of the Lord, faith the Apoille, for as much as you know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Holding fafl,and going on hath a Crowne =en- ding it. The more we proceed in holinefíe,our falvation i is flill the Neerer unto ud. If we loofe not the things which 6 we have wrought,we (hall receive a full reward. THE r