Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

368 Colz,r4, r Corr. i3. Kom9. 3 s . Aâ.rS.r, s. Ga1a,3,a. The Vfe of the Law that as an effe of the curing, and this of the Convin- cing power thereof: and yet in both nothing intended by God but Peace and Mercie. The Apofile in the beginning ofthe Chapter fhewes that we are by nature fubjed to the Law, and death, wch is an unavoidable confequent of the breach thcrof, even as the wife is to her husband as long as he liveth. And that by Chrift we are'delivered from that fubjeeti- on, who hath-flaine our formerhusband, and ta%en him out cf the way, as the Aoollle elfe -where ipeakes. Now becaufe this doctrine of juftification by faith in Chrift, and deliverance from the Law by him, was mainly op- pofed by the Iewes, and was indeed that chiefe ¡tum- bling bl_ ck which kept them from. Chriftianitie(which I take it was the reafon why the falfe brethré,under pre- tence the better to worke on that people,to pacific af- fechions, and reconcile parties,& fcrruminate the (hur- ches together,would have mingled the Law with Chri in the purpole of Iuftification, as the Papifts now upon other reafons doe :) Therefore the Apoftle(who was ve- ry zealous for the Salvation of his brethren and kinf folke according to the fleth) labours to cleare this do- ctrine from two maine obje9ti6s in this chapter,which it feemes the Iewes did ufe againf it. The ground of'both is tacitely implied, and it is the fame generali hypothefis, or fuppofition,rhat all delive rance is from evi,l,and carries neceflary relation to fome mifchiefe which it prefuppcfeth. Therefore ifthat do- ctrine be true which teacheth deliverance from the law, then it muff be granted that the Law is evill; for to be unfubjec`ted to that which is gcod,is no deliverce,but a wilde & brutifh locfeneffe.Now evill is but two -fold, either finne or death.So then if the Law be evill,it mufF be either finne or death. The former ob jeaion is made, verf. 7. What 'hall wee .%y then ? i,r the Law f nne,that we thould now heare ofa deli_ VIM