Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I "he tifi of the Lap: 369 J deliverance from it ?Doth not the Scripture account the Law a pr iviledge, an hnnour,an ornament to a people? and from the Iuftneffe and Holineffe of the Law con- clude the dignity and greatneffe of a nation? what nati- on ú lo great, faith Moles, which hathfratutes andjudge- ments fo righteous as I fit before you this day ? He Phew. eth his word unto Jacob, his ftatutes and judgements unto Ifrael ; He bath not dealt fo With every Nation faith Da- vid. 1 feat unto them Honaora'bilia Legis, faith the Lord, the honourable and great things of my Law, but they were counted as a _grange thing. And is that which Mojes and the Prophets efleemed a priviledge and honour,become now a yoke and burthen ? Shall we admit a Doctrine which over- throwes the Law & the Prophets ?To this the Apollle aufwers, God forbid. The Law is not fin, for I had no knowne jinn but by the Law. It is true, finne tooge occafion .by the Law to become more finfull verf. S. but this was not occafio data,but arrepta,no occafion na- turally offered by the Law,but perveríiy taken by finne, whofe venemous property it is to fucke poyfon out of that which is holy.So then the Law is not fin, 'though by accident it enrage fin.For ofit fel fe it ferveth only to difcover and reveale it.ver,9.But as the Gofpell,as well when by mans perverfneffe it is a favor of death, as when by its owne gracious efficacy it is a favor oflife, is both wayes a freer favour: So the Law either way, when by it felfe it difcovereth,andwhen by accident it enrageth finne,is dill Holy,jisft and good,verf, i r. Vpon this followes the fecond Objection in the words of the Text : Is that which is goodmade death un- to me l ifa deliverance, prefuppofe an evill in that from which we are deliver'd, and no evillbut belongs either to finne or death,then admitting a deliverance from, the Law,ifit be good in refpeft of holine(fe, it muft needs be evill in the other refpect; & then that which is good is made death unto me. And this calls a more heavy B b after -' neue 4.?. Pfa.T47,ig,no Hofea 8,4 z.