Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

TheVfe of the Lam: 371 dife did (for finne had betweene Adam and Mofes fo ob- literated and defaced the imprefflós of the morali Law, that man flood in need of a new edition & publication of it by the hand of Mo /cs.) That placeferves thus to make good the purpofe ofthe Apoflle in this, Shine was in the ,world before the publication of the Law, there- fore the Law is not finne. But finne was not imputed where there is no Law; men were fccure and did flatter themfelves in their way,werc not apt to charge or con- dcmne themfelves for fm, without a Law to force them unto it. And therefore the Law did not come anew to beget finne, but to reveale and difcover finne. Death likewife not onely was in the world, but reigned even over all men therein, before the publication of the Law. Therefore the Law is not death neither. There was Death enough in the world before the Law, there was wickednefle enough to make eódemnation raignc over all men ; therefore neither one nor other are naturali or effentiall confequences of the Law.It came not to beget more finne ; it came' not to multiply and double con- demnation, there was enough of both in the world be fore,Sinne enough to difpleafe and provoke God, death enough to devoure and torment men. Therefore if the Law had beene ufefull to no other purpofes,then to en- rage finne, and condemn men ; if Gods wifdorne and power had not made it appliable to more wholfome & faving ends, he would never have new publifhed it by the hand oftillofes. Here then the obfervation which from thefe words we are to make,(and it is a point of fingular and fpeciall confequence to underfland fife of the Law) is this : That the Law was revived' and promulgated anew on Mount Sind by the min:fiery of Mofes, with no other than Evafgelicall and merciful purpofet.It is faid in one place, That the Lord hash no plea /ure in the death of him that Ezek. i 8.; z. death : But it is Paid in another place, That the Lord de- Micah 7.18. B b s lihteth