Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

37Z The Ffe qf the Law. Maffilienfes in Epift.Pro(- pera ad Aug in &pi(t. Pctrá Diacñi ad Ftil gent.eap.7 . pecc It. Merit. e's 7¢- má(.l.t.c.t8. De Napt. & concuQ?(.'cwt. fib 2. cap. z7. Contra Julian. 'Pelag 1. 4 ;c.8. & 0.6.c.z4. De pr.ede ftinat. SanaOrílm ad Prorper: & Hi. lar.hh.l.cap.8. De Corrept. & Grat.cap.4. Fpifi. t Vitalem Enchirid.cap, 97,e7 cap. ro3. Profj3er devo- cat.Gen.t.lib. 1. cap.; ,435,1.z. cap pen: epi, Rurr.& a Capital Gallor. cap 8. In- Grat. Chrifli,cap. 29. 3o,3r. Author. Hypo- gno flic.l. 6.c.3 *vide Iudiciiii eccleriæ Lug- dxn.án Hi;tor. *.a Thef.t. t o. riches, light in mercy. Which = notes, that God will doc more for the falvation,than he wil for the damnation of men: He will doe more for the magnifying of his mercy,than for the multiplying of his wrath : for if that require it, he will revive and new publifh the Law,which to have aggravated the finnes, and lo doubled the condemnati- on of men,he would never have done. Before I further evidence the truth of this doctrine, it will be needful to remove one Objection which doth- at firft propofall thereofoff:r it f lfe. If God will doe more for his mercy than for his wrath and vengeance, why then are not more men faved than condemned ? If Hell (hall bee more fl'd than Heaven, is it not more than probable that wrath prevaileth againft Grace, and that there is more done for fury than there is for favour? To wave the folution given by * tome, That God doth intentionally & eff`c4ually will and ordaine every man to be faved, but few of that every will have themfelves to be faved. (An explication purpofely contradicted by Saint Auftin and his followers, whole aloft profound and ineftimable ludgernent the* Orthodox Churches have with much admiration & aflènt followed in there points) I rather choofe. thus to refolve that cafe. It will appeare at the Taft great day, that the faving of a few is a more admirable and glorious work; than the condem- ning of all the reft.The Apoftle faith,* That God (hall be glorified in his Saints, and admired in thole that beleeve. For firft,God fheweth more mercy in faving fume when He might have judged all, than juflice in judging many when he might have faved none. For there is not all the Iuftice which there might have beene, when any are faved ; and there is more mercy than was neceflàry to have beene, when all are not condemned. Secondly, the Mercy and Grace of God in faving any is abfolute, . and all from within himfelfe out of the unfearchable Gottefchal,acelcberrimo bujtt neviTheol ogonupercbn(cripta,'p.63.64.71.