374 The Tl of the Law. (hing & condom ing all the ref} for their Iuft demerit. Fifthly,and laffly,let me problematically and by way of Quare onely puopofe this queftion. Why may it not be ¡tartly laid that there {hall be in heaven as much Clor1 diftributed amongft thofe few which (hall be faved, as Wrath in Hell amongft thofe many which perifh? I dare not fpcake where the Scripture is filent;yet this by way of argument may be fail. The proportion of wrath is meafured by the finite fumes amen, the proportion of Glory from the infinite merits of Chrift. There is more excellency and vertue in the merit of Chrift to procure life for his few, then vileneffe or demerit in fin to pro- cure death for many. As there may be as much liquotir in tenne great veffels, as in a thoufand fmaller : fo there . may be as much Glory by the merit ofChrift in a few that are faved,as wrath, from the merit of finne in mul- titudes that perifh. But to returne to that from whence I have digreffed. Manifèft it is that God wil do more for the magnifying of hismercy,then for the multiplying of his wrath, be- caufe to be merciful hcwil new publifh the Law,which for enlarging his judgements he would not have done; but would have left men unto that raigne of fin & death which was in the world betweene Adam and Motes. Notable to this purpofe is that place which I have be- fore curforily touched, & lhall now defire againe more particularly to unfold,with fubmiflion of my judgemet therein unto the better learned.It is Ga1.3 .beginning at the r 5. verfe, Brethren .7 fpeake after the manner of men : though it be but a mans covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man d fanulleth or addeth thereto.] The Apoffle before mentioned the covenant of Promife and Grace made to Abraham, and in him as well to the Gentiles as to the Imes; unto which theconfideration of the Lawes in- fufficiency to juffifie,and by confequence to Blefle, had led him. In thefe words he doth by an Allufion unto humane