Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Vfe of the Lam: j 375 humane contrails prove the :fixedncffe and f}abilityof the Covenât of mercy even from theîcourfes ofmutable men.If one man make a grant and covenant to another, do ingroffe, tigne, Peale, take witnes, and deliver it to the other for Es benefit and behoofe,it becomes alto- gether irreverfible and uncancellable by the man which did it. If a man make a Tef}ament, and then die, even amongfl weake and mutable men it is counted facred ; ,and impiety it is for any man to adde, diminifh or alter it.But now, faith the Apoflle, God is infinite in wife - dome to forefee all inconveniences,and evill confcquen- ces which would follow upon any covenant ofhis, and fo ifneede be to prevent the making ofit.Things future in their execution and iffuing out of fecond caufcs, are yet all prefent to the intuition ofGod; and fo any thing which might after happen to difanull, or voyde the co- venant,was prefent and evident to his Omnifciencc be- fore, and therefore would then have prevented the ma- king of it.If then men, whole wills are mutable,whofe wifedomes may mifcarry, who may repent and be wil- ling to revoke their owne covenants againc,do by their hand, Peale, and delivery difable themfelves to difanull their'owne ad, when it is once pall : much more God, who is not like man that he fhould repent, when bee makes a covenant,doth make it lure and liable, confiant and irreverfible, efpecially fince it is a Covenant eftabli- H,b6,17 , 'bed by An oath,as the Apof}le elfewhere íhews,and when Pfah rio.q. Gad fweares he cannot repent. Thus the Apoffie prooveth the Covenant of mercy and grace to be Pcrpetuall,from theImmutability and wifdome ofhim that made it;and if it be perpetual', then all other fubfequent ads of God I do rcferre fome way or other untó it. It followeth verf i 6. Now to Abraham and hte feede Were the Promifit rude : he faith not, and to feeds at of many, bit at of one, and to thy %eede, which is Chrif.] Where by One, we underflitnd onemfflicallj arid in /T- B b 4 gregetto,