The We of the Lam . 377 and immutable, ( as being by no improvidence, difap- pointments,or unexpeîed emergencies ever put to re- pent)and this covenant made to a man and his fed for ever, & that without dependance upon any condition, (being all ofGrace & Promife) fave onely that eAbra- ham have a feede,and Chrif} a Body : Then if it happen, that another law be after made, which prarso, facie, and in ftri'`l conftrucction , doth implic a contradi ±io to the termes and nature of the former Law ( for Abrogation notwithfianding whereof there have no other reafons at all de novo intercurr'd,then only fuck as were actually in being when it was made, namely the fumes of the world, and yet were not then valid enough to prevent the making,and therefore by cófequence have no force to alter or difanull it)thé it is certaine that this latter law muff be underflood in fome other fece, & admit of fòme other fubordinate de, which may well conffl with the being and force of the former covenant ; andnot in that which prima facie feemes to contradict, and by confe- quence to abr ogate it. Now in the next words, ver6. i 8. For if the Inheri- tance be of the LaW, it is no more of Promife : but God' gave it to Abraham byPromi e.J The Apoflle íhewes, what the purpofe of the Covenant to Abraham was, namely to give life and falvation by Grace and Promife, and therefore what the purpofe ofthe latter covenát by Mufer was not neither could bee, namely to give the fame life by working;fince in thofe refpeds there would be contradidion and inconfiflency in the Covenants, and fo by confequence inflability and unfaithfulneffe in him that made them. The maine conclufion then which hitherto the Apoflle bath drive at is this, that the corn- ming ofthe Law hath not voyded the promife,and that the Law is not of force towards the feede to whom the promife is made, in any filch fenfe as carries cótradi ti on unto, and by confequence implyes abrogation ofthe Promife