378 The Vie o f `the Lan,. Promife before made. Therefore if it be not to Rand in a contradidïon, it followes that it mull in fubordinati- on to the Gofpell,and fo to tend to Evangelicallpurpo- fes. This this Apoffle proceeds to thew, verfe 19. Wherefore then ferveth the Law ? It was added becatsfe of tranfgreffions, till the feede fhould come, to whom the Promife was made ; and it was ordained by Anóels, in the hand of a Mediate r J To what end faith the Apo- file fhould there be a publication of a Law, fo exprefiy contrary to the Covenant formerly made ? In his An- Ewer to this doubt, there are many things worthy of cfpeciall obfervation. Firft4co.s79nYt was added or put to. It was notfet up alone,as a thing in grollè by it felfe, as any adequate, compleat, folid rule of righteoufneffe ; (as it was given to Adam in Paradife)much leiiè was it publifhed as a thing to voyde and difanull any prece- dent covenant: but,fo farre was it from abrogating,that it was added to the Promife. Now when one thing is made an Appendant or Additament to another, it doth neceffarily put the being of that to which it is Appen- dant,and prefuppofe a ftrength and vigor in it í61l. But how then was it added ? not by way ofIngrediency as a Part ofthe Covenant, as if the Promife had beene in- complete without the Law; (for then the fame Cove- nant Ihould confift of contradictory materials, and fo (hould overthrow it felfe; (For if it bee of work,es, it is no more of grace, elfe grace it no more grace) but it Was ad- ded by way of Subferviency and Attendance, the better to advance and make eff`c?tuall the Covenant it felfe.In Adams heart the Law was let up folitary & as a whole rule ofrighteoufneffe and falvation in it Yrlfc,but though the fame Law were by Mops revived, yet not at all to the fame purpofe, but only to helpe forward and intro- duce another and a better Covenant. Secondly, It was eAdded becaufe of Tranfgreifions.] von11111