The Vf of the Lax. 379 To make them appeare, to awaken the Confciences of men(who without á law would not impute,nor charge their fnnes upon themfelves ) and make them acknow- ledge the guilt of them, and owne the condemnation which was due unto them : to difcover and difclofe the venome of our finfull nature,to open the mouth of the fepulcher,and make the heart finell the ftench of its own. foulnefle. Thirdly, Till thefeede f ould come unto whom the Pro - mife was made.jThere were two great f.rocnifes made to Abraham and his feede. The one, Is thy feedeliall all the Nations of the earth be bleed, and this Promife refpeets the Terfon of Chrifl, (which yet feemes to be a Promife not fo much made to Chrift, as in him to Abraham and all nations, who were Abrahams feed by promife,though not after the fleJh, as Saint `Paul diftinguilheth,Rom.9 ) The other, 1 will be a God unto thee, and to thy feede after thee, which refpefteth all nations who fhould beleeve. Now which way fcever we underftád thefe words,they confirme the point which we are upon, that the Law bath Evangelicall purpofes. If we underf}and by feeds the Perfon of Chrifl, then this fhewes that the Law was put to the Promìfe, the better to raife & ftirre up in men the expectations of Chrift, the promiled feede, who fhould deliver them from that unavoidable bondage & curfe,which the Law did Peale & conclude them under. If we unelerflád by feed the faithfull(which.I rather ap- prove)then the Apoftles meaning is this,that as long as any are either to come into the unity of Chrifis body,and to have the Covenant of Grace unto them applyed ; or to be kept in the Body of Chrift when they are come in ; Co long there will be ufe of the Law to difcover Trani; grefhons,both in the unregenerate that they may flic to Chrift for Sanctuary, & in thole that are already called, that they may iearne to call all their faith,and hopc,and expectations of righteoufnefle upon him fiill. For the fame.