;So The Vie o f the Law. Deur.S .5. fame reafon which compels men to come in, is requifite alto to keepe them in ; elfe why doth not God utterly deftroy finne in the Faithfull ? Certainely hee bath no delight to fee Chriff have leprous members, or to fee fin in his ovine people..Only becaufe he will {fill have them fee the neceflìty of righteoufneffe by faith, & of grace in Chrift;he therefore fiffers cócupifcence to flirre in them and the Law to conclude them under the curfe.This thé manifeffly fhewes that there was no other intention in publifhing the Law, but with reference to the feed ; that is,with Evangelical/ porpofes,to Phew mercie : not with reference to thofe that perifh,who would have had con- demnation enough without the Law. Fourthly, It 'vas ordained by Angels, ( who are LMi- nifiring Spirits font forth for the good of thofe that 11 all bePaved) in the Hand, or by the Miniffery of a Media. tor]Namely ofMofes(with relation unto whom Chriff is call'd Mediator ofa better Covenât)for as Chriff was the fubftantiall and univerfall Mediator betweene °God and Man : So Mofes was to that people a reprefentative, typical/, er national/ Mediator. Bee flood betweene the Lord and the people, When they Were afraide at the fight of the fire in the Mount, and this evidently declares that the Lawwas publifhed in mercy and paciiication,not in fu- fie or revége. (For the work of a Mediator is to nego- tiate peace, and treate for reconcilement betweene par- ties offended;) whereas if the Lord had intended death in the publifhing of the Law, bee would not have pro- claimed it in the hand ofa Mediator, but of an Executi- oner. Verte 2o. NoW a Mediator is net a Mediator of one, bast god is one.] Two expofitions I conceive may be gi- ven ofthefe words,both which tend to cleare that ufe of the taw which we are upon. Firff, where there is a Mediator,there muff be parties at variance that are two by their difkrcnces and difagreements, and not one. This 1