The Vfe of the Lax. This then fhewes frrft, for' what reafon the Law was promulgated;namel- -y,to convince men oftheir offences which had feparatedbetweene them & God,who were at the firfl one in peace and mutuall aff:é ions towards each other.Secondly, the words following Phew why the 'Law was published in the Hand of a Mediator,be- caufe God is one:Though theLaw ferve to covince men thus oftheir fìnfull variance.with God, -yet they fhould not thereupon:defpairé, and finke under the feare of his wrath : for as he made a Covenant of promife to Abra- ham and his feed, fo he is the faine God f }ill One in his Grace and Mercy towardsfinners: As a Mediator loth Phew that men by fin are at variance with God fa Both he Phew likewil that God by Grace is at unity with men. For when the party ofi tided fends a Mediator to him who had done the offence, to pally & make tender of a reconcilement,two things da.herein manifefilyap- peare:Firff, that before this there was a breach, or elfe there would have beene no nude of a Mediator. Se. condly,that notwithaanding that breách,yet the party offended ( from whom the Mediator codes) is at unity and peace againe : to that though a Mediator is not of one, but of difagreeing parties,. yet God is one; that is, He in fending this Mediator doth declare to mankind; that He is at peace and unity with them again; ifthey will accept of the reconcilement. A fecond.expofition may be thus : A Mediator is not of One. By one. here may haply be underftood,not one Party,but one matter, bu/'neffe, or Covenant. And then the meaning runnes thus ; As the Lord bath published Two Covenants, A Prom to Abraham, and a Law to Ifraell, fo he hath appointed Two . Mediators of thole Covenants or bufineffes which he had to communicate to men. Mofes the Mediator of the Law(for the Law came 6y Moles) and Chrift the Mediator of the Promife or' better Covenant, (For grace came by 7efiss Chris.) Mofes