The We of the Lax. Gofpell juftifieth ; yet of itfelfeit is not contrary.For if any Law would have given life and righteoufikfle, this would have done it. That which is Ex fe, confidered in it felfe, Apt to carry to the fame end whereunto another thing carries,is not ofit felfe contrary thereunto :but the Law is of it f lfe apt to carry unto Life and Righteouf neflè,as now the Gofpell doth, therefore of it felfe it is not contrary to the Gofpell;but that dif erêce which is, is from the fin of manwhich bath weakened the Law .But now the Law in the hand ofa Mediator, is not only not againft, but it isfor the Premtfes. Suppofe we two wayes unto one City,whereof the one is accidentally,either by bogges or inclofures, or fome other reafons become ut- terly unpaffable,thc other fmooth and eafie,thefe are not contrary wayes confidered in themfelves(for of them - felves tliey point both into one place) but onely contra- ry in refpet oftravellers, becaufe the one will de fallo bring to the City, which the other by accident is unable to doe : So here, the Law is one way to Heaven, the Gofpell another ; but finne hath made the Law weak, and unpaffable, which otherwife of it felfe would have fufficed unto righteoufneffe. And yet even thus the Law is not againft the Promife : for the impol ability which we find in the Law, enforceth us to bethinke our felves of a better & furer way to bring us unto righteoufnefre and falvation. And this the Apoftle lhewes in the next words. Verfe 22, But the Scripture bath concluded all under fnne, that the Promife by faith of Iefus Chrift might be given to them that beleeve.j Though Sinne have male the Law contrary to the Promife, in that it curfeth and condemneth,and concludeth men under fin and wrath ; yet fach is the mercy of God that he bath fubordinated all this, and made fubfervient unto the Gofpell, that the Promife thereby may be applycd,and advanced. For it is all ordered to no other purpofe but that men might be