Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Vfe of the Law: .. 385 not be fpohen to them any more yet in all this God doth [xHs vcicsc but purfue his fiat purpofc of mercy, and take a court fe'1 °Y-4v to make his Gofpell accounted worthy ofall acceptati-' GrexNa 4j s on ; that when by this Law men fhall bee roufed from orat.ç7 their fecurity, fhnt up under the guilt of infinite tranf- greflìons, affighted with the fire & tempefl,the black- neffe and darkneffe, the darts and curies of this Law a- gaintl fin,they may then runne from Sina unto Sion,even to Iefus the Mediator of the new Covenant, am/ by Faith plead that pardon & remiffion which in himwas pro- mifed. Thus we teethe point in the general cleered,that God in the publication of the Law by Mess on mount Si- na, had none but mercifull and Evangelical/ intentions. I (hall furtherdraw downe the doárine ofthe ufe of the Law into a tew conclufions. Firfl, Thc'Law is not given ex primaria intentione, to condemne men., There was condemnation enough in the World betweçne e4dam and Mofes, before the Law lJ. u pyv TS») 7NiyEf Y, Xó ¢cosTesá.NvÑs 1. Cor .Hom. 5. vn guentum eft ux- guentucm,etiam- p id vultures drfugiant:7 bee - dot. ,t33' To Auzo- ov w9s'ió xñpuy- 1h e ,CGrcercios TIP ux(Z,íTtov,ru- EgxáouTty xpt- was new publifhed.It is true,the Law Thal prove a con 1 üetov. demning and judging Law unto impenitent ancrunbe- leeving finners:But to códemne or judge men by itwas no more Gods intention in the publifhing of' it by the minifiring of Mofes ,(I fpeakeofcondemnation notrro- nounced, but executed) than it was his purpofe to con- demne men by the Golpell, which yet * de faao,will be a favor of death unto death to all that defpife it.It is Paid that Chrifi (hould be as well for the fall a for the riling of many in 7frael, and that he fhould Icie a .17 one of fum- bling, and a rocke of offence ; yet he faith of himfelfe, I came not to condemne the World, but that the World ty mee might be faved. The meaning is, the condemnation of the World was no motiare nor impulfive caufe of my comming,though it were an accidental! event, confe- cfuent, and emergeíicy thereupon. Even fo the con- demnation which by the Law will be aggravated upon impenitent finners,the powring forth of mine wrath & C c ` enge- Clern.Alex. in Protreptic. ixrÿñ au' rry sú9 hat ciniyi OE; A) Oi9d, ak4Y.o'7,FEt 7"ó SSEbóv° [i i MaJ-.'cAM4z oarTtbÿ ú'? ú ytaivx7«.v ö4tv, .ti et'l.uwpot" e eìa3'1. 7uv. ti.-t; ;&tse dwj' Fis :TIV KH Jx avzstcje Rev:- G!Y ` Tcis ci- IriSats; M- OW j TórS rt Greg.NaK. orat r7