Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

;94 The We of the Lam menta the fWeeter,when_they come. The greater the hu- miliation,the deeper the tranquillity.As fire is hottefc in the coldef} weather ; fo comfort is fweeteíl in the grea- tef} extremities : fhaking fettles the peace of the heart the more. The Spirit is a Comforter, afwell when be con - vinceth effnue, as ofrightcoufneffe and judgement ; be- caufe he doth it to make righteoufneflë the more accep- table,and judgement the more beautifull. Laflly,acquaintance with our own foul neffe and dui: calls by the Law, vG ill make us more carefull to keepe in Chri/ts company, and to walke according unto his Will, becaufe he is a Phyfician to cure, a refiner to purge,a Fa- ther and a Husband to compatonate our ef}ate. The leffe beauty or worth there is in us, the more carefully fhould we Rudy to pleafe him, who loved us for him felfe,and married us out of pitty to our deformities, not out ofdelight in our beauty. Humility keepes the heart tradable and pliant. As melted wax is eafily fafhioned, fo an humble fpirit is eafily fafhioned unto Chrif }s image: whereas a f}one,a hard and flubborne heart muff be hewed and hammered before it will take any fhape. Pride, felfc- confidence,and conceitednefle,arethe prin- ciples ofdifobedience;men wil hold their wonted cour- , fes till they be humbled by the Law. They are not hum- bled, faith the Lord, unto this day ; and the confequent ïer.13.17 hereofis, neither have they feared nor walked in my Law. I fyose trill scot heare, that is, ifyou will Hill difobey the Lords meffenges, my Soule (hall weepe in fecret for your pride; to note that pride is principle of difobedience. Nehe.9.16, I7 They and our fathers, faith Nehemiah in his confeflion, dealt proudly, and hardened their necl¿es, and harkened not unto thy Commandements, and refufed to obey. And therefore E.cek ah ufed this perfwafion to the ten tribes z Cron.3o.8 to come up to Ierufalem unto the Lords Paffeover;Eeye not .íií f fe- necked as your fathers, butyeeld your felves un- to the Lord. To note, that humiliation is the way unto obe-