The rie ofthe Law. 395 obedience ; when once the heart is humbled, it will be glad to walke with God. Humble thy /elfe,faith the Pro- Micah 6.8 phet, to walke with thy God. Receive the 'ingra f fed word With meekne fJe,faith the Apoflle. When the heart is firft lames r.ti. made meek: and lowly, it will then be ready to receive the Word,and the Word ready to incorporate in it, as feed in torne and harrowed ground. When 'Paul wa s difmounted, and calf downe upon the Earth, terrified and affonifhed at the heavenly vifion, immediatly hee is qualified for obedience, Lord what wilt thou have me A &s 9.6. to doe ? When the Soule is convinced by the Law, that of it felfe it comes fhort of the glory of mod, walkes in darkneffe, and can go no way but to Hell; it will then with joy and thankfulneffe follow the Lambe whereto- ever he goes; as being well affured,that though the way ofthe Lambe be a way of blood, yet the end is a Throne of Glory, and a Crowne of Life. FINIS.