Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

399 The Life of Chria. Iohn 5.12 lie that bath the Se #ne, bath Life. Aving fhewed the infufciencie of the Creature to make man happy, as being full of vanity, and the infuf ciency of titan to make himfelfe happy, as being full of /inne; we now proceed in the loft place to difcover thefirf}, the Foun- taine ofLife and happinefle, ChriJ ; and f condly, the Channe& by which it is from him unto us conveyed, the inftrument whereby we draw it from him, namely, the ,f norpled e of hina, and fe&olvjhip with him in hil refwrreClion and fu f f crins s. Thefe words we fee containe a Doarine of the grea- t& confequêce to the foule ofMan in the whole Scrip- tures, and that which is indeed the fumme of them all. They containe the fumme of mans delires, Lift, and the fumme ofGods mercies,Chrift, and the fumme of mans dutie, Faith ; Chrift the Fountaine,Life the derivation, and Faith the conveyance.- What