400 The Life of Chrift Col.t3 a 1 Cors.3o b Ephef3:,8 'Match. i2.35 Ioha 1.14 fZcch.i3.t g Ma1.q..z 1.0;1. T49 oh13 3.34 Iahe I. i6 a Cor.3.18 k Gal 4, sg Rom. 1.29 mEfay 9.6 Whatfoever things are excellent & defireable, are in the Scripture comprifed under the name of Life, as the lefTer under the greater ; for Life is better than meat, and the body than raiment. And whatfoever Excellen- cies can be named, we have them all from Chrift, Jn Rim, frith the Apoftle, are hid the treafures of wildome and knowledge: Hid,not to the purpofe that they may not be found, but to the purpofè that they may be fought. And we may note from the carp reflion, that Chrifl is a Treafurer of his Father s Wifedome; He Lath Wifedome as the Kings treafurer hath wealth, as an Offrcer,a De- pofitary, a Difpenfer of it to the friends and fervants of his father. a He is made unto ua Wifedonee. The Apoflle faith that in him there are b unfearchable riches, an in- exhaufled trcafury ofGrace and Wifedome. And there had need to be a treafure of riches in fiim, for there is a treafure of inne in us : fo our Saviour calls it, c the tree. litre of an evill heart. d He was full of Grace and Truth : Not as a veffcll, but as e a Fountaine, and as fa Sunne, to note that he was not only full of Grace, but that the fulneffe of Grace was in.him. g pleafedthe Father that in him Jhould all fulneffe dwell.1' God gave not the Spirit in meafure unto him. And as there is a fulnefe in Hum, fo there is a Communion in us, i Of his fulneffe wee receive grace for Grace, that is, as a Child in generati- on receiveth from his Parents member for member, or the paper from the preffe letter for letter., or the glafl'e from the face image for image; fo in regeneration Chrift is fully kformed in a man, and he receiveth in Tome mea- fure and proportion Grace for Grace : there is no Grace in Chrift appertaining to general fan &ificatió which is not in fome weákedegree fashioned in.him. Thus there is in Chrift a fulneffe of Grace anfwerable to 1 a fulneffe of (inne which is in us.The Prophet cals him n1 a `rince of peace, not as t..5Wofes onely was,a man of peace, but a Prince of peace. If IWo[ès had beene a Prince of ph oc