The L fe of Chrif. how eaify might he have inftill'd peaceable and calme áfitielions into the mutinous and murmuring people ? But though he had it in himfelfe,yet he had it not to di- ffribute.But Chrift hath peace,as a King bath Honours, to difpenfe and difpofe of it to whom he will. Peace I leave with you, my . peace ?give unto you. If I fhould run over all the particulars of Grace and Mercy, we fhould finde them all proceed from him ; 'He is our Pirffeover, faith the Apofile. As in Ægypt wherefoever there was the bloud of the Paffeover there was life, and where it was not,there was death;fo where this our Paf feover is, there is life;and where he is not,there is death :To me to live is Chrift,faith the Apoffle ; and,againe, now I live, yet not 1, but Chrift liveth in me, , and the life that I live, I live by the Faith of the Sonne of God, who loved me, and gave himfelfe for me. To confider more particular this life which we have from Chrift,Firff,it is a Life of Righteoufne ffe : for aLife í righteoufneffe are, in the Scripture taken for the fame, (becaufe fin doth immediately make a man dead in law, b He that beleeveth not is condemned already, and E in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou halt die the death.) And this Life(being a Refurreelion from a preceding death) hath'two things belonging unto it. Firft, there is a Li- bertie and Deliverance wrought for us from that under which we were before held. Secondly, there is an In- heritance purchafed for us, the priviledge and Honour of being called the formes of God conked upon us. Thefe are three Offices or Parts of the Mediation of Chriff. Firíf, his Sarisfaélion as he is our d Suretie, whereby he e paid our debt, {under -went the curie of our finnes, g bare them all in his body upon the Tree, h became fubjed to the Law for us, in our nature, and reprefentatively in our {lead,= fulfilled all righteoufneffe in the Law required, both Active and Paffeve for us; For we muff note that there are two things in the Law D d inten -1 401 lohn 14.27; t Cor.g:7 Exod.i 22.3 ,30 Phi1.1: a I Gal.z.2.o a Rom t.i7 n Cor.36,7,9 Rom.S. r 7,2I b 10110 348 Gen.3.1y 1-leb 7 t2. Co1.z.4. Efay s3} {GaI.3.r3 a Cor 5.21 g I Pet.z.24 h Gal.4 4 Matth.3.I ç