Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

+oz The Lif e of chrI1. intended ; One principal!, obedience, and another(econ- dzry, maledic i2n, upon fuppo îtion of difo'bedience; f that (inne being once committed,there mill be a double ad to j aiificatiou,the fuffring of the curt ,and the fial- ñlling ofrightcoufcae(f ant w.Vnto a doable apprehen- fion of judice in God, there mull anfwer a double at of righteou{ìaeffe in man,or in his furety for him;To Gods punt: Thing juice, a righteoufneffe Paffi ve, whereby a man is re5hus in curia againe ; and to Gods commán- ding juice a righteoufneff Avive, whereby he is re- conciled and made acceptable to God againe. The one a fatisfadion for the injury we have done unto God as our judge; the other the performance of a f rvice which we owe unto him as our Maker. Secondly, in thrift, as a Mediator, there is a meritlikewife belonging unto both theft, ads of obedience in him,by vertue of his in- finite Perfon which was the Prieff,and of his divine na- ture which was the Altar, that offered up and fancîifìed all his obedience. By the redundancy of which Merit (after fatisfadion thereby made unto his fathers juffice for our debt) there is further, a purchafe made ofgrace, and glory, and of all good things in our behalfe. Hee was made ofa woman, made under the Law : Firff, to redeeme thofe that were under the Law, which is thefa- tisfac`lion and payment he bath wrought. Secondly, That we might receive the adoptions or the inheritance of forme., which is the purcha /é He hath made for us. Thirdly, there is the interceffïon of Chrift as our eAd- vocate, which is the prcfenting of there h is merits unto his Father for us, whereby he applyeth, and perpetua- tech unto us the effects ofthem,namely our deliverance and our adoption or inheritance.So then the life of righ- reoufnefe confiffs in two things : FirÍ7t, The remigion Of finne, and thereupon deliverance from the guilt of it, and curie of the Law againff it ; which is an eflcd of the fatisfacdion of ChriRRs merit. Secondly, Adoption,' or