The Life of ChrV1 1 4°3 or the acceptation of our .perf ns and admittance ititofo high favour as to be heires of falvation and happinefie, which is the effcd of the redundancy ofChrifls merit there being a greater exceffe and proportion of vertue in his obedience,than of malignity or unpleafingneffe in our obedience. . To confider both thefe together ; wee are delivered, Firfl, from SinKe,and the guilt or damnation thereof : There is a no condetnation to them that are in Chrif Iefus their b finnes are blotted out, and c forgotten, and d caft into the depth ofthe Sea, and e done away as a cloud or mitt by the heat ofthe Sunne, they are f forgiven and covered, and not imputed unto us ,g they are fnifhed and made an end of, h they were all laid upon Chrifl, and hee hath beene a î propitiation for them, and his Beth a veile betweene them and his Fa- thers wrath ; and in oppofition hereunto,his obedience and righteoufneffe is made ours. Be is k made unto us righteoufnej7e, and we are the rigbteeufnefe of God in him, we are I cloathed with him, and appeare in the fight of God as parts and portions of Chrifl himièlfe ; ; for rn the Church is the fulnefie of him that filleth all in all. Secondly, wee are confequently delivered from the Law, to farre forth as it is the ílrength of finne ; and Ì are conflituted under another and better regiment, which the Apofile calls ° Grace, or the P Law of Faith. Firfl, we are delivered from the Law as a covenant of righteoufneflè; and expeE juflification and falvation onely by faith in him who is '1 The Lord our righteouf- nef e, r Chrifi is the End of the Lam of righteoufne f fe. We are righteous by the righteoufnefJe of God without the Law;that is,not that rig lhteoufnef e by which sod, as God,is righteous, but by a righteoufnefle which we have, not by nature or in our (elves, or from any prin- ciples of our creation, (which Saint Paul calls mans D d 2 own a Rom 8.i s Efay 43.15 Aas3,r9 ` hr.31 34 Heb.8 zx `Mica7.z 9 `Efay 44.zz f p PCalm.3.z 6 g Dan. 9.24 b Efay 5;. 6 ir Lohn x.x kz Cor. 1.30 x Cor.S.xz 'Rom. 130z4 mEp11tG z.xt t Cor. z556 °Rom 6.4 P Rom.3.x7 9lcrz3.6 = Rom. z o.4 Rom:3. zo, zz