Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Li je o f chr /. owne righteonfneJfe) but from the meere brace and gift of cod. Secondly, hereupon confequently we are delivered Gal.;.io from the rigor of the Lazy, which confi(teth in two things : ftrtt,it requireth perfect obedience : f:condly,per- + _peruall obedience. We mutt do all things that are written in the 13ooke of the Law, and we mutt continue to doe them.Now from this we are delivered, though not as a dutie, yet as filch a neceffity as brings death upon the faile in it. When a mans confcience Both Gunn-ion him before Gods tribunall to be juaified or condemned ; he dares not trufa a his own performances, becaufe no flesh can be righteous in Gods fight. Though the Gofpel both command, and b promif , and C worke holinefie in us yet when we goe to finde out that to which we mufa land for our lafa triall, by which we refolve to expert remiflion offins,& inheritance with the Saints,there is fò much pollution and flefhly ingredients in our beta workes,.that we dare trufa none but Chritts owne ade- quate performance of the Law,whereby we are delive- a red fr.oip the rigor and inexorablenefl'e thereof: That- inherent and habitual' exac`tnefle which the Law requi- reth in our perlons, s fupplied by the merit of Chrifa : that acaualperfecaion which it requireth in our fêrvice, is fùpplied by the incenfe, and interceflion of Chrift. And though we are full of weaknefhe, all our righteouf- nefle as a menftruous cloth,many ragges & remnants of the old Adam cleave Rill unto us,and we are kept under that captivity and unavoydable fervice of fin which he fold us under : yet this priviledge acrd immunity we have by Chrif ., that our delires are accepted, that God fpa- reth us as fonnes,that Chrift taketh away all the iniqui- tie (lour holy things ; that when we faint he leads us, when we.fall he pities us,and beaks us, when we turne and repent,he forgives,accepts,welcomes,and feaf}s us,I with his compaffions. Thirdly, PGl i4,öa 'Mat[h.5.48 b Luke I 76,75 r1f.E. i r,.t:, a Cor.8ou. Ma1,3.iy Hor.1 i,; Hol,i 4a4