The Lifi of Chrif. Thirdly, we are delivered from the curfe of the Laws Chrifl being made arcurfe for ut, and;thechaflifement ofour peace being laid on him. From punOments eter- nail, He hath delivereei us from the wrath to come ; and from pxni rhments Tensporall, as formal! punifhments. When we arc judged of the Lord,we are chaf}ened,but we are not condemned ; they are for declaration of Gods difpleafure, but not of his fury or vengeance ; they are to amend us, and not to confume us ; blowes that polifh us for the Temple and conforme us unto our Head, and weane us from the world, not tails and forerunners of further wrath. They are like yobs dung- hill fet up to fee a Redeemer upon. And betides this, as Sons of premife we are bleffed with faithfull Abraham, have interefl in that precious vertue of the Gofpell which makes all things worke together for the bea to thole that love God. Laftly, we are hereupon confequently delivered from thole Tells of the (pmt of bondage which come along with the Law. And they are principally three. Era, a To manifefl to the Confcience that a man is in a defperate and damnable condition, in fiead whereof there comes along with Chrifl to the Soule a spirit of b Adoption, and of c a found minde, which fayes unto the Soule that God is our Salvation, fettles the heart to tea and cleave unto Gods Promifes ; d terrifies, feales, feeures, certifies our inheritance unto us. Secondly, to e Joppe the mouth, and drive out of Gods prefence, and leave utterly f unexcufable, that a man fhall have nothing to alledge why the curfe fhould not be pronounced againfk dhim, but than in his confcience fublcribe to the righte - 1 oufneflè of Gods feverity. In Read whereof we have in Chrifl a g free approach into Gods prefence ; words put into our mouthes by the h fpirit offupplications to re- veale our requefls, to debate, and plead in Gods Court of mercy ; to i cleave our Pelves from the accufations of D d 3 Sathan : 4 ©5 Gal. ;. I; Efay 53. IThefa.I() P tend emendaJ toria non inter - fe5loria. Aug. elib.Arb lib.3,cap. s5 'Rom.7.9 b Roma t5 c z rim. 1.7 azCorI.zt Eph.I.1 3,t4 EppEph 4 30 I e Mat.zz. Iz f Rona.i.zo.z.a g Ephe tag Hrb iddì9 '' Zach. IS.Io Rom.8.z6 Cor.',tt