Iudg.13. 23 ° t rim.r.7 licb. io.:7 The Life of'Chrift. Sathan; to appeale from them to Chrift, and in him to make this juif apology for our felves. I confeffè I am a grievous firmer, (and there is not a Soule in Heaven, Chrift onely excepted,which bath not beene fo, though I the chiefe of all) In Law then I am gone, and have nothing to anfwer there, but only to appeale to a more mercifull court. But this 1 can in truth of heart fay,that I deny my owne workes, that I bewailemy corrup- tions,that the things which I doe I allow not,that it is no more I that doe them,but finne that d welleth in me; that I am truly willing to part from any luf, that I can heartily pray againtt my clofeíf corruptions, that I de- light in the Law of God in mine inner man, that I am an unwilling captive to the Law in my members,that I feele, and cry out of my wretchedneffe in this fo uiT a -. voydable fubj eaion, that I dofìre to feare Gods Name, that I love the Communion of his Spirit and faints;and I. know I' have none of theft affections from "nature (in that I agree with Sathan:) thefe are fpirituall and hea- venly impreffions, and where there is a piece of the fpi- rit, where there is a little of heaven, that will undoub- tedly carry the foule in which it is to the place where all the Spirit is.IfGöd would deflroy me,he would not have done lb much for my Soule; he would never have given me any dramme of Chriffs fpirit to carry to hell, or to be burnt with me. No man will throw his jewels into a finke, or cafl his pearles under the feet offwine : certainely God will fend none of his owne graces into Hell, nor fuffer any fparkle of his owne holyneffe and divine nature to be ca[} away in that lake offorgetful- neflè.If he have begun thefe good workes in me,he will finial them in his owne time;and I will wait upon him and expect the Salvation of the Lord. Thirdly, to a ter - rife and afright the Soule, with a fearefirll expectation of fiery wrath and execution of the curie. In f}ead whereof the foule is calm'd with a fpiritual ferenity and b peace;