Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrif. 4.07 b peace,which is the beginning of Gods Kingdome,ar- i Ronr.i I mcd with a fweet fecurity, and c Lion like boldneffe I Iohn 16.33 agairttl all the powers andaffaults of Men or Angels; ROOV :s c crowned and refreshed with the d joy offaith,with the Rom 8.33 fartt fruits of the Spirit,with the chillers ofthe Heaven- Pra1.5 s.i 1 Canaan, with the earnett ofits inheritance,with the a I Pet :t. s perfruition and preapprehenfion of' Gods prefcnce and'3 Glory. This is the Life of righteoufnefe which we have from Chrift ; e Ararat a,,-K a Redemption and deliverance fron finne and the Law; rand £Ex?ta,a Priviledge, right and intere(t in the,purchafed poffeiiion. Secondly, He -that hath the Sonne hath Life, in regard of Holine je: as he bath g received Chrift Je fìu the Lord, fo he in Him : h tie are in him created or raifed up from the firfl death,rrntogood trork s, that we fhould walke in them.Of our klves we are i without flrength, without love, without k life ; no power, no liking, no poffìbilitie to doe good ; nor any principle of Holineffe or Obedience in us. It is He that 1 ftrengthens, that winnes, that n quickens us by His Spirit to His Ser- vice. We fhould here confider Holinef fe fomething more largely, and Phew when good workes areVirall, and fo from Chrift ; and when onely ,nortall, earthly, and up- on falle principles, and fo from our f Ives. But having done this before in the do&rine ofthe raigne offinne;I will onely name fome other difcourfes ofa Vitale Opera - tion,and fo proceede. Firif, Life hath ever an Inter»all principle, a feede ithin it felfe,a natural' heat,witbthe fountains there,- W of, ° by which the body is made operative and vigo- rous : and therefore in living Creaturesthe P heart firft liveth,becaufe it is the forge offpirits,and the fountaine of beate. So Holinefre which comes from Chritl be- ginnes within, proceedeth from an qt ingrafed and im- I planted feede, from the r feare of God in the heart, and Dd4 the' r ESL/ .T 4. f Iohl1 I.I ß COI T.; hEph z Io iRom.S CIO k Fphef.z.I IEph.3.t6 Phi1.4 r; 01,HoGz.14 P(áLIIo,; I Iohn 4 19 n Ioh.s.zr, 26 Idhn 74.10 °?Nei `P}er?rat mí Arip. de 7tcprra t. cl. 8 P drift. slantes I.iI r Iahn 3.9 k Ier.3 a. 40