Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

+o8 tiçx.31.33 tub, 9.14 ° EPh4z3 X Rom7.zz G.1146 19 Eph.3.1 ',Mart 3.11 ._4._._..-._ Tbe Lifeof Chrifl. 71-c-iouc 7-fcpxa d'ta14dcri Aim Y( v - Ar-'Jl Ó![CÇ uu í S-Yí x x,otv 7t CJ cG. YY y L(lJ cf,240;s $YsI. sots yí y0 K. eatv YL Hàfíor.lnimal. láb, S .cap. i. b t'er.z.s Gcn.I.1 I the f Law put into the inner man. The C Confcience is cleanfcd, u the fpirit of the minde is renewed, the X de- lights and deuires ofthe heart are changed, the bent and bias ofthe thoughts are new fet, y Chrii} is formed , and dwelleth within,the whole man is z baptized with the Holy Ghoíf as with ire, which from the Altar of the I heart, whe re it i "s firft kindled ,breaketh out, and quick- meth every fàculty and member. Fire when it prevailes will not be hidde nor kept in. Secondly, Life bath ever a nutritive appetite joyned with it, and that is moft let upon fuch things as are of the T fame matter and principles with the nature mud- flied :fo where a man is by the fpirit of Chrifl quick lied unto a Life of Holinefl , he will have a b hungring,thir- I fling, and molt ardent aff:3dion to all thofc fincere, un- I. corrupted ,and Heavenly Truths, which are proportio- nable to that Spirit of Chritl, which is in him. Thirdly, Life is Generative and Communicative of it felfe,all living Creatures have forne feminary ofgenera- tion for propagating their owne kinde ; fo that fpirit of Holineffe which we have from Chrif, is a fruitfull fpirit, that endeavours to fhedde, multiply, and derive himfelfe from on unto another. Therefore he dcfcended in fiery tongues,to note this multiplying &communi- cati ng property which he hath.The tongue is a member made for Communion, and nothing fo generative of it felfe as fire. They that feared the Lord fbake, often to one another, faith the Prophet. Mani people fhall gather to- gether, and fay come ree, and let rysgoe to the Mountain of the Lord, &c, c6 Laftly, where there is perfect Iife,there is fenfe too of any violence off. red to it:fo where the Spirit of God is, will be a tendernefi'e, and gricfe from the fnnes, or temptations which doe affault him. As that great finne, which the Scripture calls bl4Neming of the Holy Ghofl . and defpighting of' the Spirit of Grace, is after a more efpeciall Mal. 4. i6 Efay z.:3 Ier.3.3.I 7