Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life ofChrifl. efpcciall manner called the fnne again, {he Holy G4of as being a 3f nne which biddeth open defiance to the Truth grace, Life and `Promifes, which that Spirit re- vealetb and co,,firmeth unto to ; fo every fmaller finite doth in its maner and meafure grieve this fpirit,even as every diulemper in the body doth-bring painein Tome meafure unto the naturali foule.A living member is fen- Mlle of the finalleft prickc,wbereas a body in the Grave is not pained, nor difatieded with the weight & dark - nefhe of the earth, the gnawing of wormes,the {finch of rotteneflè, nor any violences of diffolution, becaufe the principle offenfe is departed: fo though wicked men he in rotten and noyfome lufls,have the guilt of many mil- lions of fìnnes like fo many rocks and mountains of Lead on their fbules,doe dayly cut and tea re themfelves like the Lunaticke in the Gofpell,yet they feele nothing of all this, becaufe they have no fpirit of life: in them : whereas another, in whom Chriii is formed, would be conflrain'd with teares ofbloud,and moll bitter repen- tance to wa{h the wound of fpirit, which but one of! thole fearefull oathes, or uncleane aflions (which the others multiply and wallow ia with delight) would make within them. Now, He who bath the Sonne, bath holyneffe upon two grounds, according to that double relation which Holineffe bath unto Chrift. For it rcfpe&eth the Principle and Fount-able from whence it comes.,, and as the rule or pattcrne unto which it anfwers. Holi'nres is called the ymage of God; now as the face is both the Fountains of that Image or fpecies which-is flied upon the glaflè, and likewife the exad.patterftoamtd example È ofit too fo Ord is'both the Principle of nolineffe, by whom' it* is wrought, and the. Rule unto which it is proportioned. Firf}, Chrifl is the Principle and Fountaine.ofHoli- Éneffe, as. the bead is o faíiiîe or motion; from hini the whole. 409 l