Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

4 1"® lohn ;.ao The Li fe of C13riji. whole body is joyned together and compa&ed, and fo maketh encreafe and edification of it felfe in Love, The oyntment ran downe from Aarons head unto the skirts of his garment, to note the effafion of the fpirit of Holi neffe from Chrifl unto his lowefl members, Ye have re- ceived an unEion from the holy One, faith the Apoflle. What this influence of Chrift into his members is we fiiall more particularly open in the confequent parts of this difcourfe. Secondly,Chrift is the Rule and Patterne of holineffe to his Church. Our San&itìcation confìfleth onely in a conformity unto his wayes. For more diflin& under - flanding of which point we mull note, firff, that Chrift had feverall waies and works to walke through.Some- times we finde him walking to Golgotha and the Gar- den, which was the worke of his merit and paflion. Sometimes to the Mount with Peter, lames and John, which was the worke of his glory and tranf-figuration. Sometimes upon the fea and through the midft of Ene- mies, which was his worke of power and miracles. Sometimes in the mica of the feven golden Candle - ftickes,which was his work of governement,guidance, and influence on the Church. Laftly, we finde him go- ing about,and doing good,fubinitting himfelfe unto his parents,going apart by himfelfe to pray, & in other the like workes of his ordinary obedience. Secondly, of theft workes of Chrift we muff note, that force are uncommunicable, others communicable. Vncommunicable are,firf },his workes of Merit and Me- diation,Thcre is but one Mediator betweene God and ri'tat,the man Chrift. There is no other name under hea- ven by which a man mar. be Paved, but the name of Chrm. There is no Redemption nor interceffion to be wrought by any man but by Chrifl. None have to doe with. the Cenfer to off:r incenfe, who have not to doe withil ellrar to offxrSacri1ice Secondly, his worke of