Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chri. 4.11 ofGovernement and Influence into the Church,his.di- fpenfng of the fpirit,his quickning of his word,his fub- duirig of his enemies,his collecting of his mernbers,are all perfonall honours which belong unto Him as head of the Church. Thofe which are Communicable, and wherein we may be by his Grace made partakers, are filch as either belong to the other life, orto this.In the other life our Bodies fhall- be made Conformed to the transfigured and Glorious body of Chrif} ; when He appeareth we fhall be made like unto Him, by the po-, wer whereby Hee fubdueth all things. unto Himfelfe. Here, fome are againe extraordinarily Communicable; being for miniltery & fervice,not for fanátity or Salva- tion.Such were the miraculous workes ofthe Apoftles, which were unto them by way of priviledge and tem- porary difpenfation granted. Others ordinarily,& uni- verfally to all his members.So then it remaines that our formal and compleate Sanaification confifts in a Conffr- mitie to the ways of Chrifts ordinary Obedience. The whole Life of Chrift was a Difcipline,a living,fhining, and exemplary Precept unto men,a Vifible Commentary on . Gods Law. Therefore we finde filch names given unto him in the Scriptures, as lignifie not only Preemi- nence,but exemplarineffe ; A a Prince, b a Leader, c a Governor, d a Captain; an e Apoftle and high Prieff, f a chiefe Sheepherd and Bifhop, g a Forerunner, or Conduct into Glory, a h Light to the Iewes, i a Light to the Gentiles,a k Light to every man that entereth in- to the world.All ;which titles as they declare his Dig- nity, that he was the firft borne of every Creature, fo they intimate likewife that he was propofed to bee the Author and Patterne of Holinefl'e to his people.. All other Saints are to be imitated only with limitatiô un- to him, & fo farre as they ì., their converfation expreffe his Life and Spirit; Beyeefollowers of me even as. Ian, of Chrr,, But 1 we muff never pinne our obedience to the exam Phil.; z r , Ifohn3.z a Dan.g. zs b E[27 15.4 L Maul]. z.6 dHeb z.1p eHeb.r.; z Pct.a. xS t Pas' q. Hcb.ó.xo h Exad.r3..zt Luke x32, iohn r.9 1 Au pis men- Cottfen. lib. 2..cap.9.