4'z 'NAug.De nat. & grat.cap.35 Caved tcnype flates & fléda nauframia. Ad I hoc peccata illorum homi- num fcri pta funt ut Apofio- !i!a illa fexten- tia ubig, trc- menda vicíetur flare, videat ne cadat Aug.de DoL`ir. Cbrifi!.3.c.2;,! David Rmicits Dei,et Salomon amabilr's rjus viEti('unt,ast et rui:me nobis ad cau0enéetrte- natudinisadfa- 1 lutem exempla prabercnt.Hicr. T'o. E.epi fi 9. Ì ° Matr."I . 29 ° Iohn 13. t 5 °PIsi1.2.5 qtPet.I.t5 r Heb. E 2.1 ,2, cTheLifeofChr . example of any Saint, lea we happen to Rumble and break our bones, as they did. Wherefore are the falls and apoftafec, the errors and infirmities ofholy men in Scripture ,regiftrcd ?Certaincly,the Lord delighteth not to keepe thofe finnes upon record for men to gaze on, which himfelfe hath put behind his owne backe, and wiped out of'thc booke of his owne remembrance. He delighteth not in the difhonour and deformities of his worthies. But m they are recorded for our fakes, Pet up for land marks to warne every man to take heed of ad- venturing (on any mans authority) upon thole rockes where filch renowned and noble Saints have before mif- carried. Children of light indeed they are, but their light is like the light of the Moone, fubjec4 to mixtures, wainings,decaies,eclipfcs. Chrift onely is the Sunne of righteoufneffe, that bath a plenitude, indeficiencie, un- erring holincffe, which neither is deceived, nor can de.? ceive. Now further this conformity unto Chriß mutt be in all his obedience.Firf},,in his active obedience unto the Law, n Learne ófme, faith he, for I am meeke and lowly. o I have given yots an Example that yen fïiatelddoe eta I have done sentoyou. The aetion was but temporary, and according to the cuftome of the place and age, but the affection was univerfall, the humility of his heart.P Let the fame mimic, faith the Apoale, be in you, which was in .Chrif$, that is,have the fame judgement, opinions, af-- feciions, compafiions,as Chrift had, q As he which hath called yost is holy, fo beyee holy in all manner of converfati. on. Secondly,in his paffive obedience,though not in the end or purpofes,yet in the mauer of it,R,st ne with pati- ence,, faith the Apoftle, the race which is fet before yon, looking unto = fits ,who fir the joy that was Pet before him, endured the croffe,defpifed the fhame, &c. If the head be gotten through a ftrait place, all the members will venture after. Therefore fnce Ckri,il bath gone through