Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Li fe o f Chrí. through [hame,contradi&ion,death,to.his glory, let us not be wearied,nor faint or defpaire in-our mindes. The head doth not think all its work ended when it is got- ten through it felfe, but taketh care,and is mindefull of the members that follow. Therefore the Apofile calls our fufferings a fulfilling or (making up ofthe fuff'rings rColr. z4 ofChrifl. The refolution of all is briefly this, the msift allow Cbril in thofe things whicla:he both did and com- manded ; not in thofe things which he did,but not corn-. manded. But here it may be ob'eced Christ was himfelfe vo- erna p47o Da- Y J mini eo jervo- luntarily poore ; t He became poore for our fakfs, and he rum. De pripl. commanded poverty to the young man, Goe fell all that Marier.apsd thou hafl,and give it to the poore. Is every man to be here Cyprian, in a follower of Chrifl ? To this I anfwer in generali, ` Z Cor.8.9 that poverty was not in Christ any a& of moral O bedi- Luke s. f ence,nor to the young-man any command of Morali O- Make 1o.zz bedience.Firft,for Chrifls poverty we may conceive that it was a requifite preparatory aft to the work of redép- tion,& to the magnifying of his fpirituall pow er in the fubduing of his.enemies,and. faving of his people; when it appeared that thereunto no externall acceffions nor contribution oftemporall greatneflè did concurre. And f`condly, for the command to the young-man, it was meerely perfonall, and indeed not fo much intending obedience to the letter of precept,-as trial of the fin- verity ofthe mans former profeffion, and convifion of him touching thofe mifperfwafions and felfe- deceits which made him trust in himfelfe fot righteoufnefïè,like that of God to Abraham; to off.:r up his fon,which was not intended for death to Jfaac,. but for triáll_ to Abra ,, ham,and for manifeftation of his faith. - It may be farther..objeccted, How can we be.Holy,. as Chrift is Holy ?Firtt, the thing is imp oflible,and fecond- ly, if we could,there would be no need of Chrift ; ifwe were bound to be fo Holy, righ teoufne {re would come by 413