The LífèofChriji. fpirituall life of Chri1 ians and of Chrift (becaufe it is a doárine ofprincipall conffquence.) Firf}, this was one of the Ends of Chriffa comming. Two purpofrs he came for ; A reftitution of us to our interef} in falvation, & a ref}oring our originali qualities of' holineffe unto us. Hee came to fan1ifie, and cleanfe the Church, that it fhould be holy and without blemifh ; unblameable and un- reproveable in his fight : To redeeme, and to purifie his people. The one is the worke of his merit which goeth up- ward to the fatifaílion of his Father ; the other the worke of his Spirit and Grace, which goeth downe- ward td the fanftification of' his Church. In the one he beftowcth his righteoufneffe upon us by imputation: in the other he fafhioneth his image in us by renovation. That man then hath no claime to the payment Chrift bath made, nor to the inheritance hee hath purchafed, who hath not the life of Chrift his nature and converfation. But if Chrifl be not onely a Saviour to Redeeme, but a Rule to Sanitifie, what ufe or fervice is left unto the Law ? I anfwer, that the Law is f }ill a Rule, but not a comfortable, eff uall, delightful rule without Chrifi applying, and fweetning it unto us. The Law onely comes with commands, but Chrifi with f}rength,love, willingneffe, and life to obey them. The Law alone comes like a Scholemafler with a (courge, a curie along with it;but when Chrifi cornes with the Law,he comes as a Father, with precepts to teach,and with compafli- ons to (pare. The Law is a Lion, and Chrift our Samp- fon that flew the Lion ; as long as the Law is alone, fo long it is alive, and comes with terrour,and fury upon every foule it meets : but when Chrift bath flame the ¡Law, taken away that which was the fl:rength of it, namely the guilt of thane, then there is bony, in the Li ton, fweetneff: in the duties required by the Law. It is then an eafie yoke, and a Law of liberty, the Common- dements 415 Epheí 5.2.5 Col.i.s2. TiC,z.J.} a Mat.rr.3o Iames r.2,5 i Iohn 5.3