416 Vt non fit ter- riGile; jód (uate mandatum. Aug.cont.Pelag et Celeg.l. i.e. 1 3 wt innotè(cat quad latebat, 21 fióaTle fat quod nonde- lellabaP,gratiR Dei e ft quec ho - minïs adjuvat volütates.Aug. ; de peccat.merit. et remijJ: l.z. c. 17. b Math. z: r 3 e ri 01.11.4 d Ad imaginé Chrifìi futuri, non aten Dei opuserat,jed pagttus,Tertul, cie 7ef ür. Cbri- (ti,cap.6. ` Rom 5.14 1 Cor.r545 f 1 Cor.r S 49 ' g Rom 8.sÌ bsCor.3.13 z Cor.4.6 s Pct.4.14 The Life of G hr f . demeats are not thee grime tu, but the heart delighteth in them, and lóveth them, even as the honey and the bony combe.Of it fclfe ït.is b the cord of a judge which bindeth hand and foot, and (hackleth unto condemnar tion; but by Chrift it is made the c cord ofa man,an4 the band of Love,by which he tcacheth us to go; even as à nurfe her infant. Secondly, Holineffe muff needs confiff in a Confer-- mitie unto Chrift, if we confider the narrate Of it.. We are then Sanctified when we are re- endued with ghat Image of Cgod,after which we were at finsi created.Some a have :conceived that we are therefore Paid to be crea- ted after. Gods Image, becaufe we were made after the Image of Çbrifl,who was to come;but this is contradi- cted by the Apol}le, who faith that e Adam Iran the fi- gure of Chriff,and not ChriI the pátterne of Adam;yet that created Holineffe is renewed in us after the Image of Chrifl. f As we have borne the image of the earthly Adam, who was taken out of the Earth, an image of finne, and guilt : So we muff beare the image of the heavenly Adam, who is the Lord from Heaven, 'an Image of Life and Holineffe. We were g predeftinated, faith the Apof}le, to he conformedunto the Image of the Sonne :. Confórmed in his Nature, Holine fie ; in his End, Happineffe ; and in the way thereunto, Sufferings.. h We all,taith he, beholding With open face as in a glafe, that is, in Chrift, or i in the face of Chriffz. the Glory ofGod, ire changed into the fame Image with Chrift, (he the Image ofhis Father, and we of him) fromglory tò glory ,that is, either from glory inchoate in obedience and grace here(for the faints in their very fufnrings are glorious and conformable to the Glory of Chrift ; The k Spirit of Glory is uponyors in your reproacher for Chrifi) unto dory consummate in Heaven, and Salvation here - áfter : or from glory to glory, that is, Grace for Grace, the Glorious Image of Gods Holineffe in Chrift fa- fhi''oning