Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. 417 ihioning, and producing it felfe in the hearts of the faith hill, as an Image or fpecies of' light fhining on a glafe, Both from thence fa(hion it felfe onthe wall, or in ana- ther glade. Holinefe is the Image of God ; now in an Image there are two things required ó Firft, a /ianilrtude ofone thing unto another. Secondly, vI Deduîli9n, deri- vation, impreflîon of that fimilitude upon the one from I the other,and with relation thereunto. For though there be the fimilitude offnow in milke, yet the one is not the image of the other. Now then when an image is uni- verfally loft, that no man living can furnish his neigh- bour with it to draw from thence another for himfelfe, there muft be recourfe to the prototype and originall, or elfe it cannot be had. Now in Adam there was an univerfall obliteration of Gods Holy Image out of him - felfe, and all his pofterity. Vnto God therefore him- felfe we muff have recourfe to repaire this Image againe. But how can this be ? The .Apoftle tells us, that lice is an f naccefhle, an unapproachable God, no man can draw necre him, but he will be licked up and devoured like the ' ftubble by the fire ; and yet, if a man could come Tin., s.16. neere him (as in fome fcnfe he is 'n not farre from every . Ac..s 17,2.7. one of us) yet he is- an n Invi/ible God, no man can fee ° I Tim. 1.17 ifim, and live ; no man can have a view of his face to fie w draw it againe. We are all by fanne come thort o ...0m.3.23 óf his Glory ; as impoffïble it is for any man to become holy againe, as it is to fee that which is invifible, or to approch unto that which is inacceffible ; except the Lord be pleafed through fome veile or other to exhibite his Image againe unto us, and thorow fome OA. to let it thine upon us, we (hall be everlaflingly deftitutc of it. And this hee bath beene pleafed to doe thorow the P veile of Chrifts fle,h ; 9 God was manifefted in the :II T;m. 1 flefh; in that flesh he r was madevifible; and we have ohn i,3 9 an acceffe into .the Holiefi of all therm the veile, that is to fay, Cbri fis fieih; in that flefit he was made acceffible. E e By