q-18 f Ephel.s. I 8 t Cola. If Ioh.t.t8 Tritnrern 4&. rF: t imnm in tine: gnoqae genere e(t Regarta cm- terornm. Heb4r Heb.z.r t Hxod3e-z i Iòhti z.zo The Life of aryl. By him, faith the Apoffle, we have an f acceffe unto the Father. Flee was t the Image of the invifible God. Hee that hath feexe him bath feene the Father. For as God was in him reconciling the World unto himfelte, fo was he in him revealing himfelfe unto the World. No man path gene g od at any time ; the only begotten Sonne which is in the biome of the Father, he bath revealedhim. Thirdly, confider the quality o f the myflicall body. It is -a true rule, That that which is firff and bcif in any iiinde, is the rule and meafure of all the reff. And there- fore Chriff being the firff and chiefea member in the Church, he is to be the ground ofconformity to the reft. And there is indeed a mutuall futeablencffe betweene the Head and the members. Chrift by compaffion con- formable to his members in their infirmity, (wee have trot an high `Prie. ft who cannot bee touched with a feeling cf our infirmities)`- and the members by communion con- formable to-Chrift in his Santlitie ; Both bee that fanElifi- eth,and they that arefan2li fiedare of one. Fourthly,. Holineflè in the Scripture is called an Vn. Ilion, All the veffels of the Tabernacle were fanc`fified by that holy Vn7'ion which 'was prefcribed cí`1?ofes. Tee have received an oyntment, faith Saint John, which teacheth Zou all things. It is an oyntment which healeth our, wounds, and cleanfeth our nature, and mollifieth our Confciences, and openeth our eyes, and confecra- teth our perlons unto royall, facred, and peculiar fervi- ces.. Now though Chrift were annointed with this ho- ly Oyle above his fellowes,yet not without his fellowes; but all they are by his unâfion fanftified. Light is prin- cipally in the Sunne, and lap in the roót,and water in the Fountain yet there is a derivation, a conformity in the beams, branches, and ffreames to their originals : One- ly here is the difference; in Chrift there is a fulneffe,in 'us onely a meaftre and in Chrift there is a pureneffe, but in us a mixtare, Fifthly