Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrift. 419 Fifthly and lafily, Chrift is the Summe of the whole Scriptures, and therefore necetiàrily the Rule of Bali - nef fe. For the 2 Scripture is profitable to make a man per- fe51, and to furnifb him unto all good worker. Saint Paul profefleth b that he with -held nothing which was pro fitable, but delivered the whole Counfell of God ; and yet elfe -where wee finde the Summe of his preaching was c Chrift crucified : and therefore that which the Scripture calls d the writing of the Law in our hearts, it calls e the forming of Cbrifí in us ; to note that Chrift is the femme and fu6flance of the whole Law. Hee F came tomen firft in his Word,and after in his Body; fulfilling the types, accomplifhing the prediktions, perfcrming the commands, removing the burdens, exhibiting the precepts of the whole Law in a molt exemplary and per- fed converfation. Now for our further application of this Doctrine un- to ué and prat-lice : we may hence firft receive a two fold 9ullrut7ion. Firft, touching the proportions wherein our holinef% muft beare conformity unto Cbriff ; for confor- mity cannot be without proportion. Here then wee may ()Verve foure particulars, wherein our holineffe is to be proportionable unto Chrif }s : Firft, it muft have the faine principle and fcede with Chrifis, namely his Spirit. As ni Chrift there were two natures, fo in either Nature there was holineffe after a fevcrall manner. In his Divine Na- ture he was Holy by offence and underivatively ; in his humane by confecration, and unction with the Spirit ; and in this we arc to beare proportion unto him. Our holineffe mutt proceede from the fame Spirit whereby he was fanctified ; only with this difference. The fpi- rit of Holineflc was arias, lure proprio,by vertue of the hypoflaticall union of the humane nature with the divine in the unity of his perfon. By memos whereof it was impoffible for the humane nature in him not to be fan - aified, and filled with Grace. But to us the fpirit be- E e z longs as Tim,; 16, 17. b AEt.:0.10327 e r, 22. I Cor.:.a dIcr.3r 33 e GaLg.i9 f ga¢cua7t x owFc471. Cle,vr. Alex.