Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

4z° z Cor.;. t 8 t Cor. 6. y Ephef.4.q. Iohn r7.,} Mica 67,8 Cola. 3, John 4.;4 fieb,ó,6 Eray The Life of grill. longs by an inferiour union unto (Thrift as our Head,from whom it is unto us derived and difpenfed in filch propor- tions as He is in mercy pleafed to observe towards his members. But yet though we have not as he a pleni- tude cf the Spirit, yet we have the fame in Truthand fubftance with him. As it is the fame light which brea- keth forth into the dawning of the day, and inhereth in the Glorious body of the Sun, though here in fulneffe, and there but in meafiire : So the Apoftle faith, we are all changed into the fame Image with Chrift by the Spirit of our God. And he that is joyned unto the Lord is one Spirit, and that there is but one Body and one Spirit be. tweene Chrifl and his members. Secondly, our holineflê mutt be conformable to Chrifts in the Ends ref it. Lirft, the glory of God : Father, faith he, have glorified thee on earth, ! have finzjhed the wore which thou 3gavet me to doe. Wherein there are three no- table things for our imitation : firft, that God muff firft give us our workes, before we muff doe them. We muff have his warrant and authority for all we doe. If a man could be fo full of felfe -wale (if I may fo call it) of irrc -- gular and unprefcribed devotion, as to offer rivers of oyle, or mountaines of cattell, or the firfi -borne of his body for the ¿ nne of his foule, íhould neglec4 and macerate his bo- dy, and difhonour his flefh into the gatllineffe, and image of a dead carcaflè ; yet if the Lord have not firft (hewed it, nor required it ofhim,it will all prove but the vanity, and pride of a fiefhly minde. Secondly, as we muff doe nothing but that which God requires, and gives us to doe, fo we muff therein aime at his Glory ; as his Au- thority mutt be the ground, fo His Honour muff be the End of all our workes : and thirdly, God is never glori- fied but by fini¡h_in his work,çs. To begin, and then fall backe, is to put Chrift to fhame. Secondly, all ChriPs works were done for thegood of the Church. He was given and borne for us. Ike wars made 1 101