'Me L fe of ChrilL +Z I thine and curfe &r aas. for our righteoufneffe and redemp- tion he came,and for our expediencie he returned againe. When the Apoale urgeth the Ph,lippians not to !coke to z Cor. '.z t. their owne rhino's , but every man alga on the things of o- Phil'Z 6. doers , hee preffeth them with this argument , Let the 4 . fame minde bee in you which was in Chrift Iefus. Ree vhougbr it no robbery to be equall with God , and therefore to him there could be no acceflion ; all that hee did was , for his Church ; and this Saint "Paul fealeth with his Ct C t; . owne example : If 9 ba offered upon the facri five and fir- vice of your faith, boy and rejoyce withyou ail. And elfe- where,I will very gladly fpendand be fpent for you , though t Cor, i 2..1 5. the more abundantly I love you , the le fre I6e loved. One - ly here is the difference, Chrifis obedience was merito- rious for the redemption of His Church , ours onely mi- ni/laid/ for the edification of the Church : Wee doe all things, faith the Apoftle, for your edification. When Z Cor. t i. 19, the Apof}le faith , I fill up that which is behinde of the . a 4. afflictions of Chrift for his Bodies fake , which i3 the Church : Wee are not to conceive it in our Adverfaries gloffei, that it was to merit , expiate, fatisfie for the Church; but onely to benefit and edifie it. Let him ex- pound himfelfe. The things that happened unto mee, ,,, I z, t ?. namely my bonds in Chrifi- , have fallen out rather unto the z Tim. z, r o. furtherance of the rofpell : And againe , I endure alt, things for the Elects fake , that they may alfo obtaine the falvation, not which my fufferings merit, but Which Le in Chrift refus. To note that the fuffaings of the Saints are minifferially ferviceable to that Salvation of the Church, unto which the fugferings of Chrik are alone meritorious and availeable. Thirdly, our holineflè mull bee Proportionable to hef. a. Chriffs in the parts of it. It mull be univerfall : the whole E P 4 man mutt be fpiritually formed and organized unto the meafure of Chriff. Every part mot} have its :neafure, and every joynt its fupply. Holyneffe is a refurreaton; all