Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

q.ZZ `I he Life of C'brql. Mat. t 6, t4, Hofea to. i I. Cor.9.9. Phil. i. $. John 4. 34 Heb. i.9. ne 13.1 o.5,7. all that which fell mutt be rettored ; and it is a generati. 01, all the parts of him that begetteth mutt be fathioned. The God of peace far, Il i fie you throughout,and I pray God that your whole fpirit, foule and body may bee preferved blamele ffe unto th, comming of our Lord lefts, Chrift. Laltly, our holine f fe muff be proportioned unto Chrifi ire the manner of working : I tball obferve but three particu- lars of many. Firlt, it mutt be done with felfe-deniall; He that will follow Chrilt mutt deny himfelfe : Chrilt for us denied himfelfe, and his owne will ; His naturali love towards his owne life yeelded to his merciful! love towards his members ; not as I will in my naturali delire to decline diffolution, but as thou wilt in thy mercifvll purpofe to fave thy Church. Many men will be content to ferve God as long as they may withall advantage themfelves : but to ferve him and denny themfelves is a worke which they have not learned. Ephraim loveth to tread out the corne, faith the Prophet. You know the mouth of the Oxe was not to bee muzled that trod out the Corne, he had his worke and reward together. But plowing is only in hope: for the prefent it is an hungry and a hard work. So, faith he, while Ephraim may ferve Mee and himfelfe, make Religion ferve his other fecular purpofes, he will bee very forward : but when bee mutt plow, that is, ferve in hope of a Harvett, but in paine for the prefent, he bath an eafier plow going of his own, as it followes, yee have plowed zvickedne f fe. Secondly, it mutt bee done in obedience unto G o D. Chrilt emptied Himfelfe, and became obedient; It was his meat and drinke to doe the will of his Father even unto that bitter worke of his Pafïion bee was annointed with the oyle ofgladne f fe; to note that though as made of a Woman, partaker of the fame pallions and naturali affiétions with us, hee did decline it, and fhrinke from it ; yet, as made under the Law, he did molt voluntarily and obediently undertake it. Thou haft prepared mee a 6ody,i I