`I be Life of Chrif1. 4zß body.. In the volume of thy books it is written of me, Loe I come to do? thy will, O God.. Lalily, our holineffe mutt have growth and proficiency with ic, grow in grace. Let ti-,efe chi 1gs be in youand abound ; as is is laid of Chrif}rthat He increa/ed in Wife- dome and favour with god and men, and that Hee learned obedience by the thing' which bee loitered.. If it bee here objeêted, that Christ was ever full, and had the Spirit without meafure even from the wombe ; For in as much as his Divine Nature was in his infancy as fully united to his humane as ever after, therefore the fulneffe of grace, which was a confequent thereupon, was as much as ever after.: To this I anfwer, that certaine it is Chrift was ever full of grace and Spirit ; but that excludes not his growth in them, proportionably to the ripeneffe and by confequence capacity of his humane nature. Suppofe wee the Sun were vegetable and a fubjea of augmenta- tion, though it would bee never true to fay that it is ful- ler of light than it was,yet it would be true to fay that it hath more light now, than it had when it was of a lefl'er capàcity : Even fo Chrift being in all things, fave finne, like unto us, and therefore like us in degrees and pro- grefles of naturali maturity, though he were ever full of Grace, may yet bee Paid to grow in it, and to learne, be- caufe as the capacitie of his nature was enlarged, the fpring of Grace within him did rife up and proportiona- bly fill it. Secondly, fern this Doctrine of our conformitie in holineffe to the Life of Chrift,we may be inftructed tou- ching the vigour of the Law, and the confonancy and concurrency thereof with the Gofpell. True it is-that Chris is the End of the Law, and that wee are not under the Law, but under grace :. Yet ic is as true that Chriff came not to de troy the Law, and that ne jot nor tittle thereof shall fall to the groand. Wee are not tinder the Law forlu9ification of our perlons, as madam; nor for E 4 fatf Luft. 2.40, 5 z. Heb. 5.8. Vid. Casncswn, . de Eccl. p i 5 z