Gain, `1 be Life of C1'j fatisfaClíon of Divine Iutlice, as thofe that perish ; but we are under it as a document of obedience, and a ride of living, It is now publrfhed from mount Sion, as a Law of liberty, and a new Law : not as a Law of condemnati- o and bondage. The obedience thereof is not removed, but the difohedience thereof is both pardoned and cu- reJ. Necefiàry is the obfervation of it as a fruit of Faith, not as a condition of life or righteoufnef]'e, Ne- ceflary , neceffitate precepti , as a thing; commanded, the tranfgreflìng whereof is an incurring of finne ; not neceffitate medii, as a flriet and undifpenfabl: meane of Salvation, the tranfgrefl;on whereof is a peremptory ob- ligation unto death.Three things Chritl' lath done to the the Law for us : Firft, he bath mitigated the igcur, and removed t-he curt from it, a °_ is a killing letter, and mi niftery of death. Secondly, he hath by his Spirit confer. red all the principles of obedience upon ':ls; vvifdome to contrive, will to dtfire, flrength toexecux, love to de-- light in the fervices of it. The Law onely commands, but Chritl enables. Thirdly, bee bath by his exemplary holineffe chalked out unto us, and concluded us in tihc way of obedience : for all our obedience comes from Chritl, and that either as unto members from his Spirit, or as untoDifcipler from his Doelrine and Example. We fee then the neceílity of our being in Chrifl, not only for righteoufnefl'e, but for obedience : for we muli have life, before we can have Operation. If we live in the fpirit,let ud walk.e alfa in the fpirit. Whereas out of Chritl a man is under the whole Law, as an infupportable yoke, as an impoflìble and yet inexorable rule ; as a Covenant of righteouihefle, and condition by which he mull be tried, by which bee muff everlaflingly Eland or fall before the tribunals of Chritl, when he {hall come in flaming fire to take vengeance on thofe, who, though convinced of their infurficiency to obferve the Law, have yet difobeyed the Gofpell of our Lord Iefus Chritt. Thirdly,