i 'The Life of Chr ill. Thirdly,we may hence learne the neceflìtie ofdiligent attendance on the holy Scriptures and places where they re explained : there is a no abiding in (thrift but by a i lohn z.& walking as he walked : there is no walking as he walked, but by knowing how he walked : and this is onely by the Scriptures, in which he is v yet among!} us, C walking in b Mat. S. zo, in the middeft of his Church, d crucified before our eyes, c Rev. 1.13. fet forth and c declared unto us : f many other rggnes le -' c GaI. ii z, 3. fus did which are not written, faith the Apoille, but the! f ioh.io.3o,3 a are written that you might beleeve, and that believing you might have if . We know nor any of Chrifis wayes or workes but by the Word ; and therefore they who give no attendance unto that, declare that they regard not the wayes of Chrift, nor have any care to follow the Lambe wherefoever he goeth. Secondly, wee mutt from hence bee exhorted to take heed of ufurping Chrifts honour to our felves, of being our owne rule or way. The Lord is a jealous God, and will not fuffer any to bee a felfe- mover, or a god unto j himfelfe. It is one of Gods extreamef} judgements to + +, give men over to themfelves, and leave them to follow their owne rules. When he ha:h firft wooed men by his Spirit, and that is refitted ; enticed them by his mercies, and they are abufed ; threatned them with his judge- ments, and they are mif attributed to fecond caufes ; cried unto them by his Prophets, and they are reviled; tent his owne Sonne to pertwade them, and bee is trampled on and defpifed: when hee offers to teach them, and they ftop their eares ; to lead them, and they pull away their (boulders ; to convert them, and they hardned th eir heart; when they fet up mounds again!} the Gofpell, as it were to non-plus and pofe the mercies of God, that there may bee no remedy left ; then after all thefe indig- nities to the Spirit of Grace, this is the judgment with which God ufeth to revenge the quarrell of hisGrace and Covenant, g to leave them to the hardneffe and im- g Aas 14. 15. i penitencie \ \ 425